Capacitors, Russian Military High Voltage Ceramic , Various Models KVI-3
Amperex 3-500Z 8802 Electron Tube / Triode
Variable Capacitor 4,5 KV, 16-310 pF
Ferrite Rods
Coaxial Relay CX-600M, with SO-239 UHF female = M connectors
Vacuum High Voltage Capacitors, also Variable 300 PF
Eimac SK-410 Socket for 3-500Z Electron Tube
Eimac SK-406 Electron Tube Chimney
Case set for QRP transmitters
Relay 16A fast, coil 12 VDC
High Power Omron Relay
Coaxial Relay PCB to N CX-140D
KLM antenna parts
Variable High Voltage Dual Capacitor 300 + 85 pF
Antenna Tuner part, Step Coil Ten-Tec
Vacuum Capacitor, Fixed Value 250pF Jennings.
Antenna Analyzer FG-01
Amidon RFI kit #6
RF Transformer for Antenna Solutions
Mirage D24N Linear Amplifier UHF
Cables, mixed pieces, 80m sloper phasing, Q-transformer etc...
Feed thru N-connector on higher capacitance value.
Trap pair Barker & Williamson, USA
Coaxial Cable Adapaters, 20 cables !