Relay 16A fast, coil 12 VDC
High Power Omron Relay
High Power Resistor
High Power Resistors
Relay card x 8 RS232c
Measuring & Testing Set
Linear Actuator
Alinco Power Supply DM-112MVZ
Cables, mixed pieces, 80m sloper phasing, Q-transformer etc...
Coaxial Cable Adapaters, 20 cables !
Charger, Rapid pulse model from Voltcraft
BAR Code scanner
Bag for AEA Antenn Analyzer and other tools
Antenna Analyzer AEA 140-525 MHz
Electrolytic Capacitor 105 C, 220 uF, 400 V
Cooling Units (used)
Mini Size Black & White Camera
Wireless IR Radar with Radio Transmitter
Amidon RFT kit #4
Amidon RFI kit # 5
Amidon RFI kit #6
AEA 20/20 TDR