Capacitors, Russian Military High Voltage Ceramic , Various Models KVI-3
Coaxial Relay CX-600M, with SO-239 UHF female = M connectors
Butternut Resonator Kit A17-12
Foam 300ohm Twin Lead 100 ft
450 ohm Ladder Line
KLM antenna parts
Antenna Feedpoin TT ACRO-BAT
Vacuum Capacitor, Fixed Value 250pF Jennings.
Super Antenna
Telex HyGain 160 MRK resonator for 160 m
Butternut Resonated Radial Kit STR-II
Amidon Balun 1,5:1,
Power Devider for 2m band
Mobile Antenna, Ten-Tec 15 m
Mobile Antenna, Ten-Tec 10 m
Linear Actuator
Cables, mixed pieces, 80m sloper phasing, Q-transformer etc...
Trap pair Barker & Williamson, USA
Coaxial Relay Tohtsu CX-800N
Coaxial Relay, CX800M, Tohtsu, Japan.
Coaxial Relay with N Connectors
Amidon Balun 6:1
Sky wire mounting spirals