M2 Antenna Systems 6M7JHV VHF Antenna
Yagi, 6m, 7 el., 30 ft. 8 in. x 1.5 in. Boom, 13 dBi, 25 dB F/B, 2.5 kW, T-match, N female, 19 lbs each.
M2 Antennas 6M7JHV 6 meter yagi antenna is a mid-sized 7 element antenna designed originally for the late Dave Batcho, N5JHV. 6M7JHV beams offer excellent gain that is coupled with a very clean pattern for reducing local noise, making them ideal for long haul terrestrial and EME communications. Outstanding performers by themselves, these beams also produce 17 dBd in a 4-bay array.
6M7JHV beams mechanical features include machined aluminum element-mounting blocks, O-ring sealed connectors and balun, silicone-gel sealed T- match block, and stainless steel hardware. Their elements are 3/8 in. aluminum tubing and are DC grounded. The 1-1/2 in., 30 ft. 8 in. long boom breaks down into 5 ft. sections for easy portability. An overhead truss line system provides additional boom support. 6M7JHV beams have become the standard of choice for HF plus 50 MHz DXpeditions.
Made in California USA.